
Module contents

File I/O.

class FileConnector(file: Union[IO[Any], os.PathLike,], *args, **kwds)

Bases: object

File Connector Class.

close() → None

Name of the referenced file object.

open(*args, **kwds) → IO[Any]

Open file reference as file object.

class FileInfo(file: Union[IO[Any], os.PathLike,])

Bases: object

File Info Class.

Parameters:fileFile reference to a file object. The reference can ether be given as a String or path-like object, that points to a valid entry in the file system, an instance of the class Connector or an opened file object in reading or writing mode.

Name of the referenced file object.

class FileProxy(file: Union[IO[Any], os.PathLike,], mode: str = 'rw')


File buffer for referenced files.

Creates a temporary file within the tempdir of the system, which acts as a local proxy for a referenced file object.

  • fileFile reference to a file object. The reference can ether be given as a String or path-like object, that points to a valid entry in the file system, an instance of the class Connector or an opened file object in reading or writing mode.
  • mode – String, which characters specify the mode in which the file stream is wrapped. If mode contains the character ‘r’, then a pull()-request is executed during the initialisation, otherwise any pull-request raises a PullError. If mode contains the character ‘w’, then a push()-request is executed when closing the FileProxy instance with close(), otherwise any push-request raises a PushError. The default mode is ‘rw’.
close() → None

Execute push request and release bound resources.

connect(file: Union[IO[Any], os.PathLike,]) → None

Connect to given file reference.

disconnect() → None

Close connection to referenced file.


Name of the referenced file object

open(*args, **kwds) → IO[Any]

Open file handler to temporary file.


Path to the temporary file in use.

pull() → None

Copy referenced file object to temporary file.

push() → None

Copy temporary file to referenced file object.

openx(file: Union[IO[Any], os.PathLike,], *args, **kwds) → Iterator[IO[Any]]

Open file reference.

This context manager extends :py:func`open` by allowing the passed file argument to be an arbitrary file reference. If the file argument is a String or path-like object, the given path may contain application variables, like %home% or %user_data_dir%, which are extended before returning a file handler. Afterwards, when exiting the with-statement, the file is closed. If the passes passed file, however, is a file object, the file is not closed, when exiting the with-statement.

  • fileFile reference that points to a valid filename in the directory structure of the system, a file object or an instance of the class Connector.
  • mode

    String, which characters specify the mode in which the file stream is opened. The default mode is text reading mode. Supported characters are:

    r:Reading mode (default)
    w:Writing mode
    t:Text mode
    b:Binary mode

file object in reading or writing mode.

tmpfile(file: Union[IO[Any], os.PathLike,]) → Iterator[pathlib.Path]

Create a temporary file for a given file reference.

Parameters:fileFile reference that points to a valid filename in the directory structure of the system, a file object or an instance of the class Connector.
Yields:path-like object that points to a temporary file.